New- REET VACANCY COMING SOON: 31K Posts of 3rd Grade Teacher in Rajasthan(Approved by FMoR) New- RSMSSB PATWAR: Exam in January, 2021

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Reasoning Quiz: Puzzles

Directions (Q. 1-5): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions.

There are nine persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W and X stay on a nine floors building, but not necessarily in the same order. Only one person stays on each floor. All of them have either Reynolds or Cello pens of different colours i.e. yellow, golden, red, orange, purple, black, white,silver and grey, but not necessarily in the same order. Only five of them have Cello pens. The ground Floor is number 1 and the topmost floor is number 9.
There are two floors between the floors on which the persons having a black Reynolds and silver Cello pens stay. R owns a red Reynolds pen. U does not own a grey Reynolds pen. P stays on even numbered floor below the even numbered floor on which W stays. The one who own a purple Cello pen stays on the fourth floor. S stays on the second floor and owns the orange Cello pen. The one who owns the golden Cello pen stays on the topmost floor. P does not own a white Cello pen. U owns a black Reynolds pen and stays on an odd-numbered floor. There is only one floor between the floors on which U and V stay. T stays immediate above the floor on which X stay. V does not stay on the ground floor. Q stays immediate above the floor on which W stay. There are three floors between the floors on which R and U stay. The one who owns the silver pen stays immediate above V. T stays on the fourth floor. The one who owns the grey Reynolds pen stays on the third floor.

1.What is the colour of the Cello/Reynolds pens of the person who stays on the 7thfloor?
  1. Red
  2. White
  3. Orange
  4. Silver
  5. Yellow
2.How many persons are between the one who have golden pen and the one who stays on 4th floor?
  1. Five
  2. Three
  3. Seven
  4. Four
  5. None of these
3.Who lives on the 7th floor?
  1. The one who has white pen
  2. Q
  3. V
  4. Both (a) and (c)
  5. E. The one who has silver pen
4.Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
  1. Red
  2. White
  3. Golden
  4. Silver
  5. Grey
5.U has which of the following coloured pen?
  1. Yellow
  2. Red
  3. Purple
  4. Grey
  5. Black

Directions (6 - 10): Study the following information and answer the given question.

  • Eight friends−J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order.
  • The lowermost floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two and so on till the topmost floor is numbered eight. 
  • J lives on floor numbered 4. Only one person lives between J and L. O lives on the floor immediately below L. 
  • Only one person lives between O and P. P lives above O. O lives on floor numbered 5. 
  • Only one person live between K and N, M lives on an even numbered floor but does not live on floor numbered 8.  K lives below Q’s floor.
6. Four of the following five are alike as per the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?

7. Who lives exactly between the floors on which L and J live?
A) K
B) P
C) O
D) N 
E) M

8. Who amongst the following lives on floor numbered 2?
A) M
B) L
C) O
D) Q
E) P

9. Which of the following is true about M as per given arrangement?
A) M lives on the lowermost floor.
B) K lives on one of the floor below M.
C) All the given statements are true.
D) Only two people live between M and O.
E) M lives on an odd numbered floor.

10. If L and Q interchange their places and so do M and J, who amongst the following will live between the floors on which M and P live, as per the given arrangement?
A) Only Q
B) No one
C) Only L
D) Both P and L 
E) Both Q and O