New- REET VACANCY COMING SOON: 31K Posts of 3rd Grade Teacher in Rajasthan(Approved by FMoR) New- RSMSSB PATWAR: Exam in January, 2021

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Reasoning Quiz: Puzzles

Directions (Q. 1-5): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions.

In a family there are seven members, namely A, B, C, D, E, F  and G will attend for a different meeting but not necessarily in the same order, in seven different months (of the same year) namely January, February, April, May, July, September and December. Each of them also belongs to different cities viz. Jaipur, Delhi, Patna, Gurugram, Noida, Indore and Shimla but not necessarily in the same other.

D will attend for a meeting in a month which has only 30 days. Only one member will attend between the one who belong to Noida City and grandson of A who is Father of G. The one who belongs to Delhi will attend for a meeting immediately before the one who belongs to Noida City who is married to E. The one who belongs to Shimla will attend for a meeting neither in the month which has 31 days nor in the month which has 30 days. Only two members will attend for a meeting between the one who belongs to Shimla and F. B who is father of the one who belongs to Noida will attend for a meeting immediately after F and does not belongs to Delhi City. G will attend for a meeting immediately before C. E who is brotherin- law of D belongs to Indore city and attend for meeting in December exactly after the Father of D. The one who belong Jaipur city will attend for a meeting in a month which has 31 days. Grandson of A does not belong to Patna City. The members who attend the meeting in February is mother-in-law of B.

1.Which of the following city does D belong?
A. Indore
B. Shimla
C. Jaipur
D. Delhi
E. Gurugram
2.How many members will attend for a meeting between the months on which C and A will attend for an meeting?
  1. One
  2. None
  3. Three
  4. Two
  5. More than three
3.As per the given arrangement, January is related to Gurugram city and February is related to Delhi  city following a certain pattern, with which of the following is July related to following the same pattern?
  1. Jaipur city
  2. Shimla city
  3. Patna city
  4. Indore city
  5. Noida city
4.Which of the following represents the month in which A will attend for an meeting?
  1. December
  2. May
  3. July
  4. September
  5. Cannot be determined
5.Which of the following represents the members who will attend for a meeting in January and December respectively?
  1. Wife of A, E
  2. C, Father of D
  3. Wife of B, E
  4. G, Father of F
  5. B, Husband of F

Direction (Ques 6 - 10) Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

  • Elli, Fazal, Ganesh, Honey, Irub, Jackson, Kanu and Lucky are seated in a straight line facingnorth. All of them having different ages 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25 and 32 not necessarily in the same order. 
  • Fazal sits one of the extreme ends of the line. Three peoples sit between Fazal and the one whose age is 15. The one whose age is 22 sits second to the left of Jackson. Jackson sits right of 15 years old person but not an immediate right. 
  • Two persons sit between 22 years old person and Honey. Three people sit between 25 years old person and Ganesh. Ganesh sits right of the person whose age is 25. 
  • Neither Fazal nor Honey is 25 years old. The difference between the ages of the immediateneighbours of Honey is 5 years. 
  • The eldest person is not an immediate neighbour of Honey. Honey is not the oldest person. Irubsits immediate right of the person whose age is 32. 
  • More than one people sit between 32 and 18 years old persons. Elli sits second to the right of Kanu. Elli is older than Jackson. The difference between Elli and Jackson is two years.
6. Which among the following is the age of Fazal? 
1. 25
2. 32
3. 15
4. 22
5. 18

7. Who among the following is an immediate neighbour of the one whose age is 20?
1. Kanu and Elli
2. Irub and Honey
3. Honey and Kanu
4. Jackson and Ganesh
5. Kanu and Ganesh

8. Which of the following combination is true? 
1. Honey - 15
2. Ganesh - 18
3. Irub - 32
4. Elli - 20
5. None is true

9. Who among the following sits at the extreme end of the line?
1. Honey
2. Jackson
3. The one whose age is 22
4. The one whose age is 16
5. Both b and d

10. How many persons sit between Lucky and the one whose age is 18?
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
5. None