New- REET VACANCY COMING SOON: 31K Posts of 3rd Grade Teacher in Rajasthan(Approved by FMoR) New- RSMSSB PATWAR: Exam in January, 2021

Friday, October 27, 2017

English- IBPS/Clerk-Pre/Mains

Directions (1-10): In the following sentences each contains two blanks, indicating that something has been left out of the sentence. Each answer choice contains one word or a set of words. Select the word or set of words, that, when inserted in the blank(s), best fits the context of the sentence.

Q1.  India needs to continue to do what it does best: innovate. India has a rich _______  of entrepreneurship and charting its own ______ . 
(a) idea, path
(b) history, course
(c) talent, path
(d) workforce, talent
(e) story, path

Q2. Beautiful, elaborate displays of _______ are seen everywhere during Deepavali: on houses, shops and along the ____ .
(a) lumination, grounds
(b) lighting, houses
(c) lights , streets
(d) culture, oversea
(e) customs, sea

Q3. When we think seriously about the _________  that our food practices have on our body, on the environment and on the animals themselves, it is clear that logic supports abstaining from __________  meat.
(a) impact, eating
(b) result, issue
(c) outcome,  progressing
(d) consequence, shifting
(e) effect, reviewing

Q4. The rich buy their way out of any _____  and the poor are so inured to danger and risk that it is second nature for them to ________  with uncertainty.
(a) shop, rely
(b) mess, live
(c) restaurant, depend
(d) problem, wander
(e) critics, ponder

Q5. By forging ahead with a shift to a greener and _______  economy, India will be stronger and wealthier _____  a result.
(a) cleaner, as
(b) swifter, for
(c) clam, leave
(d) new, give
(e) progressive, to

Q6. The company also _______  and encourages employees and their families to participate in various social ________  of the company. 
(a) negotiates, departmental
(b) draw , gathering
(c) cause, party
(d) involves, initiatives
(e) promote, decision

Q7. Giving is an expression of not just your material _______  but of you being rich inwardly in love and ________ . 
(a) thing, friendships
(b) storage,  disregard
(c) abundance, neglect
(d) richness, care
(e) possession, custody

Q8. Law enforcement agencies struggle to ______  terrorism, Naxalism, urban mafiosi, drug pushers and armed rural gangsters even _______ .
(a) control, predominant
(b) manage, today
(c) curb, guide
(d) rule, control
(e) keep,  safe

Q9. As the Deepavali night begins to descend, homes are magically _____ with tiny _________  oil lamps placed in special locations.
(a) bright, decoration
(b) brighten, decorum
(c) enlighten, castor
(d) decorated, magical
(e) Illuminated, earthen

Q10. Money is very important in our ______  but it’s not ________ .
(a) life, everything
(b) thinking, house
(c) job, everything
(d) way, alone
(e) aspect, important


1. Ans.(b)
 Option B is the correct choice. India has a rich history  of entrepreneurship means an eventful past "To chart one's own course," means to choose an independent path or way of doing something.

2. Ans.(c)

 Option C  is the correct choice. The second word of the options gives the hint. Along the streets gives coherent meaning.

3. Ans.(a)

 Impact means a marked effect or influence, The impact of food practices on the environment and on animals, and abstain means restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something. Option A  is the correct choice.

4. Ans.(b)
  Option B is the correct choice. The statement means The rich can handle a situation that is confused and full of problems but the poor have no option other than living with uncertainty

5. Ans.(a)
 Option A is the correct choice.

6. Ans.(d)
 Option D is the correct choice.
Involves- have or include (something) , Initiatives- Begin a task or plan of action

7. Ans.(d)
 Richness- containing plentiful quantity. Option D is the correct choice.

8. Ans.(b)
 Option B is the correct choice.

9. Ans.(e)
 Option E is the correct choice.

10. Ans.(a)
 Option A is the correct choice.

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