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Showing posts with label puzzles. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Quantitative Aptitude: Inequalities Quiz

Dear Readers,

  1. Quantity I: The age of teacher, if the average age of 36 students is 14. When teacher’s age is included the average increases by 1.
    Quantity II: The age of teacher, if the average age of 19 students is 35. When teacher’s age is included the average increases by 0.5.
    A) Quantity I > Quantity II
    B) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
    C) Quantity II > Quantity I
    D) Quantity II ≥ Quantity I
    E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established

  2. Quantity I: Profit Percentage , if Some articles were bought at 6 articles for Rs. 5 and sold at 5 articles for Rs. 6.
    Quantity II: Profit Percentage, if 100 toys are bought at the rate of Rs. 350 and sold at the rate of Rs. 48 per dozen.
    A) Quantity I > Quantity II
    B) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
    C) Quantity II > Quantity I
    D) Quantity II ≥ Quantity I
    E) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Reasoning: Quiz for RBI Assistant/ IBPS SO/

Dear Readers,

Directions (1-5): Study the following information and answer the questions given below: 
There are ten people i.e. A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T who has seated on two parallel row, each row consist of six chairs. A, B, C, D, and E sit at 1st row which facing South direction and P,Q,R,S and T sits at row 2 which is facing north direction. They all like different professions i.e. Scientist, Chemist, Lawyers, Architect, Dentist, Engineers, Geologist, Physicians, Notaries and Pharmacists.
The one who likes Dentist sits opposite to P. The one who likes Scientist sits 3rd left of T. C does not sits at any extreme end. One seat is vacant exactly between P and Q. The one who likes Chemist sits 2nd from right end of the row 2. A faces vacant seat and D faces Q. There are 3 seat between S and Q who does not face the one who likes Lawyers. T sits opposite to the one who likes Engineers who sits at extreme end. E sits just right of one vacant seat. R faces the vacant seat that is 2nd right of A. The one who likes Lawyers faces the one who sits 4th to left of the one who likes Chemist. There is only one seat between the one who likes Dentist and Lawyers. The one who likes Notaries sits immediate right of the one who likes Physicians. The one who likes Physicians sits near to B. The one who likes Geologist faces the one who sits beside to vacant seat. The one who likes Architect, sits beside the one who faces the one who likes Dentist.

Q1. Who among the following likes Engineering profession?
(a) C
(b) E
(c) R
(d) S
(e) B

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Quantitative Aptitude: Quiz

Q1. In a company XYZ, the respective ratio between the total number of under graduate employees and the total number of graduate employees is 13 : 23. The company has only two branches, one in Mumbai and other in Delhi. If the total number of under graduate employees in Mumbai branch is 351, which is 30% of the total undergraduate employees in the company, what is the total number of graduate employees in the company?
(a) 2185
(b) 1955
(c) 2070
(d) 2691
(e) None of these

Q2. If the present population of a state is 27,500 and after 2 years it increases to 39,600 then what is the rate of increase per year?
(a) 25%
(b) 10%
(c) 17%
(d) 13%
(e) 20%

Q3. A merchant buys two items for Rs. 7500. One item he sells at a profit of 16% and the other item at 14% loss. In the deal the merchant makes neither any profit nor any loss. What is the difference between selling price of both the items? (in rupees) 
(a) 625
(b) 610
(c) 620
(d) 630
(e) 615

Friday, November 10, 2017


Directions (1-5): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Eight family members P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are seated in a straight line at an equal distance between each other, but not necessarily in the same order. There are three generation in the family. Some of them are facing north and some are facing south. R’s daughter is an immediate neighbour of one who is sitting at an extreme end of the line. Only three people sit between V and his wife. Q’s daughter sits second to the right of P’s brother-in-law. R’s granddaughter does not sit at an extreme end of the line. P’s mother sits on the immediate left of her son. R’s wife is not an immediate neighbour of T’s husband. The immediate neighbour of T’s brother faces opposite directions.(i.e. If one neighbour faces north then other faces south and vice versa.) The persons sitting at the extreme ends faces opposite directions.(i.e. If one person faces north then other faces south and vice versa.) W’s daughter-in-law sits second to the left of T’s father-in-law. U faces north. U is not an immediate neighbour of S’s aunt. The immediate neighbours of U faces same directions.(i.e. If one neighbour faces north then other also faces north and if one neighbour faces south then other also faces south).Both T and Q face a direction opposite to that of S.(i.e. If S faces north then T and Q faces south and vice-versa.) T is the only daughter of R. W is female member and U is male member.

Q1. As per the following arrangements, which of the following statements is not true with respect
to P?
(a) P faces south. 
(b) P is fourth to the right of Q. 
(c) P is 2nd to left of T.
(d) P is between V and W. 
(e) None of these

Q2. How many person sit on the left of Q?
(a) One 
(b) Two 
(c) Three
(d) Four 
(e) None of these

Monday, November 6, 2017


Directions: (1-5) Read the information given below and answer the questions.
Eight friends- Rahul, Amit, Gaurav, Deep, Rishabh, Raghav, Hari and Aarit got married on different days viz. Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday are sitting around a circular table facing the centre of the table. Only two friends got married on each of the given days. Also, all these friends got married in different months i.e. -January, February, May, July, September, October, November and December. No two people who got married on the same day are sitting adjacent to each other except those who got married on Tuesday. The person who got married in July is sitting on the immediate left of the person who got married in December. Rishabh got married in neither December nor May. Aarit got married in October on Friday and is sitting to the immediate left of Amit, who got married on Tuesday. Amit didn’t marry in May. Raghav who got married in September on Tuesday, is sitting Opposite to Hari. Only Rahul, who got married in February, is sitting between Hari, who got married in July and the person who got married in November.Persons who got married on Monday are sitting Opposite to each other.Each of the persons who got married on Sunday is sitting adjacent to the person who got married on Monday.Deep didn’t marry in December.
1.Who got married in January?
a. Amit
b. Deep
c. Gaurav
d. Rishabh
e. None of these
2.In which month did Gaurav marry?
a. December
b. May
c. January
d. February
e. None of these
3.Who among the following got married on Monday?
a. Gaurav and Aarit
b. Rishabh and Rahul
c. Deep and Gaurav
d. Rahul and Raghav
e. None of these
4.Who is sitting opposite to the person who got married in October?
a. The person who got married in July
b. The person who got married in November
c. The person who got married in February
d. The person who got married in May
e. None of these
5.Which of the following pairs is sitting adjacent to the person who got married in September?
a. Amit and Aarit
b. Rishabh and Deep
c. Deep and Aarit
d. Aarit and Gaurav