Directions (1-5): Study the information and answer the following questions:
In a certain code language
"believe these change will" is coded as “ 12@M 1@H 5#T 12#W”
"board before his departure" is coded as “1#S 6@S 19#J 16#S”
"market both side trading" is coded as “ 1#O 4@E 20@U 18@F”
(a) 7@M
(b) 7#M
(c) 8@M
(d) 7@N
(e) None of these.
Q2. What is the code for ‘confidence'?
(a) 14@D
(b) 15@D
(c) 14@C
(d) 14#D
(e) None of these.
Q3. What is the code for ‘return'?
(a) 2@S
(b) 20#S
(c) 20@T
(d) 20@S
(e) None of these.
Q4. What is the code for ‘between'?
(a) 20#H
(b) 20@F
(c) 22#F
(d) 20#F
(e) None of these.
Q5. What is the code for ‘bankers'?
(a) 4#S
(b) 14@S
(c) 14#S
(d) 14#T