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Showing posts with label INSURANCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INSURANCE. Show all posts

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Quantitative Aptitude: Quiz

Q1. In a company XYZ, the respective ratio between the total number of under graduate employees and the total number of graduate employees is 13 : 23. The company has only two branches, one in Mumbai and other in Delhi. If the total number of under graduate employees in Mumbai branch is 351, which is 30% of the total undergraduate employees in the company, what is the total number of graduate employees in the company?
(a) 2185
(b) 1955
(c) 2070
(d) 2691
(e) None of these

Q2. If the present population of a state is 27,500 and after 2 years it increases to 39,600 then what is the rate of increase per year?
(a) 25%
(b) 10%
(c) 17%
(d) 13%
(e) 20%

Q3. A merchant buys two items for Rs. 7500. One item he sells at a profit of 16% and the other item at 14% loss. In the deal the merchant makes neither any profit nor any loss. What is the difference between selling price of both the items? (in rupees) 
(a) 625
(b) 610
(c) 620
(d) 630
(e) 615

Sunday, November 12, 2017

New Pattern English: Error Detection

Directions (1-15): In the following questions, two sentences are given, spot the error in the sentence:

Q1. I. Yesterday I have written a letter to my friend.
II. My letter ought to have reached him this morning.
(a) if there is an error only in the first sentence;
(b) if there is an error only in the second sentence;
(c) if there are errors in both sentences; and
(d) if there is no error in either of the sentences.
(e) None of the above

Q2. I. He was so stammering that he stopped his speech between each word.
II. I shall give you sweets when you will pass the examination.
(a) if there is an error only in the first sentence;
(b) if there is an error only in the second sentence;
(c) if there are errors in both sentences; and
(d) if there is no error in either of the sentences.
(e) None of the above

Q3. I. I came to borrow a small sum of money from you.
II. Do you object to my sitting in your room for a while?
(a) if there is an error only in the first sentence;
(b) if there is an error only in the second sentence;
(c) if there are errors in both sentences; and
(d) if there is no error in either of the sentences.
(e) None of the above

Monday, October 23, 2017

Important Revolutions In India: Static Awareness

Dear Readers,

We are providing you the Static GK Material that will help you learn some important static facts in a slow and steady manner. Just go through the below table because it contains all the important dams of India and you may find question related to this in the upcoming exams.

Important Revolutions in India

Puzzle/Syllogism New Pattern for IBPS RRB/ IBPS PO/ IBPS CLERK/ RBI ASSISTANT

Dear Readers,

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

There are nine Teachers A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. All of them like different colour viz. Orange, Brown, Violet, Yellow, Cream, Pink, White, Black and Red but not necessarily in the same order. They all are living on a different floor. The ground floor is numbered one and so on up to top floor is numbered nine. Only three teachers live between I and one who likes Red, both are living on odd numbered floor but none of them are living either top floor or bottom floor. F, G and E do not like Violet. Only one teacher lives between I and A, who likes Black. There is only one teacher lives between H and C, who likes Cream. D likes Orange and lives on the even numbered floor. There is only one teacher lives between the floor on which the teacher who likes Red and the one who likes Brown. B likes White and lives immediately below on the floor on which A lives. E does not live immediately above or below on the floor on which C lives. E does not live on first floor. There are as many as teacher lives between E and one who likes Brown and between G and the one who likes Yellow. Only two teachers live between I and H, who likes Pink.

Saturday, October 21, 2017


Dear Readers,

Directions (1-5): In each of the following questions, a statement and five choices are given. Select from among the choices, the most logical complement and mark its number as your answer:

Q1. There was no other means of coming to power than an alliance with like-minded parties.
(a) We will revamp the party by taking the support of the opposition
(b) We tried to please the leaders of other parties.
(c) We declared that we are going to rise to power.
(d) We enlisted the support of the opposition.
(e) So we convened an urgent meeting of our workers.

Q2. Facilities in the village hospital are insufficient and outdated.
(a) So we are going to take the patient back home.
(b) We will take our patient home and complain to the authorities.
(c) We will immediately take the patient to a better hospital.
(d) We will wait silently until the hospital gets improved.
(e) We will demand for a better hospital in the village.

Q3. The decision to reopen the old and closed-down liquor shops was resented by the people in the city.
(a) Some people took out protest march to the minister’s house.
(b) The liquor-sellers and contractors supported the government decision.
(c) The ruling party secretly convened a meeting of the most important leaders.
(d) The government succumbed to public opinion and withdrew the decision to open the liquor shops.
(e) The liquor barons will not allow the closure of the liquor shops.


Q1. A batsman average run rate was 60 runs in 50 innings. Difference between the highest and the lowest score was 180. If these two innings are not included the average of remaining 48 innings becomes 58. Find his lowest score.
(a) 10 runs 
(b) 12 runs 
(c) 18 runs 
(d) 15 runs 

(e) None of these

Q2. Mr. Ramesh spends 50% of his monthly income on household items, and out of the remaining the spends 50% on transport, and out of the remaining 10% on entertainment and 5% on sport, and the remaining amount of Rs. 1020 saved. What is Mr. Ramesh's expenditure on transport?
(a) Rs. 2000 
(b) Rs. 2200 
(c) Rs. 1200 
(d) Rs. 2600 
(e) None of these

Q3. Work done by A in one day is 3/2 of the work done by B in one day. Work done by B is 1/2 of the work done by C in one day. If C alone can complete the work in 9 days, in how many days will A, B and C together complete the work?
(a) 6 days 
(b) 5 days 
(c) 4 days 
(d) 10 days 
(e) None of these

Q4. A and B, B and C, and C and A can complete a task in 15, 20 and 12 days respectively. How many days will A alone take to finish the task?
(a) 30 days 
(b) 40 days 
(c) 22 days 
(d) 20 days 
(e) None of these


Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:

Eight students A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H will have to attend the seminar in the months of July and August but not necessarily in the same order. In each month, the seminar will conduct on dates 7th, 13th, 19th and 25th of the month. Only one student will attend the seminar on these given dates. A will attend the seminar on either 19th July or 19th August. There are exactly two students will attend the seminar between the date on which A and H attend the seminar. There is exactly one student will attend the seminar between the date on which H and B attend the seminar. There are two students will attend the seminar between the date on which B and G attend the seminar. There is exactly one student will attend the seminar between the date on which G and C attend the seminar. D will not attend the seminar on either 7th of July or 7th of August. There are exactly two students will attend the seminar between the date on which D and F attend the seminar. E will not attend the seminar on 25 August and F will not attend on 7 August.

Q1.Who among following will attend the seminar on 13th July? 
(a) F
(b) E
(c) A
(d) D
(e) B

Q2. How many students will attend the seminar between D and G? 
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) More than three
(e) None of these

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

High Level Input-Output for IBPS RRB IBPS PO

Directions (1 – 5): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below:

A number arrangement machine when given an input of words/numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement:

Input : wise 63 53 83 bucks fright 59 hole 44 8 game call

Step I: 83 63 53 bucks fright 59 hole 44 8 game call wise
Step II: 8 83 63 53 bucks fright 59 44 game call wise hole
Step III: 63 8 83 53 bucks fright 59 44 call wise hole game
Step IV: 44 63 8 83 53 bucks 59 call wise hole game fright
Step V: 59 44 63 8 83 53 bucks wise hole game fright call
Step VI: 53 59 44 63 8 83 wise hole game fright call bucks

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Current Affairs October 11, 2017

Dear SH Aspirants,
Study Daily Current Affairs and stay updated as well as prepare for General Awareness section of bank exams. It's time to gear up your preparations for IBPS RRB PO Mains and with the daily dose of current affairs, you can easily prepare G.A and score well.

Maharashtra govt approves climate change adaptation policy
On October 10, 2017, Maharashtra State cabinet approved a climate change adaptation policy that will focus on developing environment-friendly villages and cities.
i. Maharashtra State Government will set up a special cell under the state Environment department for the effective implementation of this policy of developing environment-friendly villages and cities.
ii. Besides, Maharashtra cabinet has approved financial allocation for special scheme for pending agricultural pumps in Vidarbha and Marathwada region.
Projects worth Rs 700 crore sanctioned for Namami Gange programme by NMCG
The National Mission for Clean Ganga(NMCG) has sanctioned Rs.700 crore for eight projects in the Namami Gange programme.Misson of Eight project
Four projects related to sewage management in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.Three are related to treatment of drains through bio-remediation. One of inventorization and surveillance of river Ganga
1.Four projects related to sewage management in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.
NMCG has sanctioned a project for pollution reduction in river Ganga at Bally in West Bengal at an estimated cost of Rs 200.07 crore with construction of a 40 MLD STP.
i. Under Hybrid Annuity model construction of a 65 MLD STP has been approved for Bhagalpur in Bihar at an estimated cost of Rs 268.49 crore.
ii. Uttar Pradesh, sewage treatment related works at an estimated cost of Rs 213.62 crore have also been approved that includes construction of two STPs (28 MLD + 05 MLD) in Farrukabad and one 2 MLD STP at Bargadiya drain in Fatehpur
2.Three are related to treatment of drains through bio-remediation:-
Rajapur drain ,Digha drain in Patna and Laksar drain in Haridwar will be treated at an estimated cost of Rs 4.29 crore.
3.One of inventorization and surveillance of river Ganga:-
It has also been approved at an estimated cost of Rs 42.9 crore to strengthen environmental regulation and water quality monitoring vis-vis river Ganga.
Germany to help Indian Railways to increase speed of trains on existing corridors
On October 10, 2017, a Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) was signed in New Delhi between Union Ministry of Railways and Germany for carrying out feasibility study on existing Chennai-Kazipet corridor of Indian Railways by German Railways for increasing the speed of passenger trains to 200 kmph.
More information about JDI between Union Ministry of Railways and Germany:
i. The JDI focuses on upgrading trains running in Chennai-Kazipet corridor to semi high speed trains which run at 200 km per hour.
ii. Feasibility study will be carried out in three phases requiring an estimated time of 22 months.
iii. Cost of the feasibility study will be shared equally (50-50 percent) by the Ministry of Railways and Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
iv.Post finalisation of terms and conditions, a separate agreement will be signed between the two entities.
IIT Kharagpur partners with Samsung for Digital Academy
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – Kharagpur has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Samsung India for the setting up of a digital academy in its campus.
More Details about Digital Academy to be set up by IIT-Kharagpur and Samsung
i. The Digital Academy will be hosted by IIT-Kharagpur’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering. 
ii. At the academy, students will be provided training on the Internet of Things (IoT) through Tizen-based operating systems which is used by Samsung for its mobile phones and home appliances.
iii. This academy is a part of Samsung India’s corporate social initiative that aims at bridging the digital divide in India by helping students to acquire cutting-edge technology skills.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Input Output: Reasoning

Dear Readers,

Direction (1 - 5): Study the given information and answer the following questions:

(All the numbers are two digit numbers)

Input : 40 made butter 23 37 cookies salt extra 52 86 92 fell now 19
  1. Step I: butter 19 40 made 23 37 cookies salt extra 52 86 92 fell now
  2. Step II: cookies 23 butter 19 40 made 37 salt extra 52 86 92 fell now
  3. Step III: extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19 40 made salt 52 86 92 fell now
  4. Step IV: fell 40 extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19 made salt 52 86 92 now
  5. Step V: made 52 fell 40 extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19 salt 86 92 now
  6. Step VI: now 86 made 52 fell 40 extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19 salt 92
  7. Step VII: salt 92 now 86 made 52 fell 40 extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19

Current Affairs September 27, 2017

Dear Readers,

Indian Affairs
Indian Navy commissions INS Tarasa, a Water Jet Fast Attack Craft at MumbaiOn 26th September 2017, INS Tarasa, a Water Jet Fast Attack Craft (FAC) was commissioned into the Indian Navy by Vice Admiral Girish Luthra, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Western Naval Command at the Naval Dockyard, in Mumbai.
i.INS Tarasa is 50 m long.It is powered by three water jets, with speed more than 35 knots (65 km/hr).It is equipped with a 30 mm main gun and several light, medium and heavy machine guns.
ii.INS Tarasa was built by the Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE), Kolkata.This is the last Water Jet Fast Attack Craft (FAC) built by Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE).
iii.This is the second ship of the Indian Navy to be named INS Tarasa. The first INS Tarasa was in service of the Navy from 1999 to 2014.

Coding And Decoding: Quiz

Dear Readers,

1. In a certain code ENGLISH is written as FMHKJRI. How is OCTOBER written in that code?
(e) None of these

2. If a 'truck' is called 'train', 'train' is called 'tractor', 'tractor' is called 'ship', 'ship' is called 'aeroplane', 'aeroplane' is called 'bulldozer' and bulldozer' is called 'scooter' which of the following can fly?
(a) Ship 
(b) Aeroplane 
(c) Bulldozer
(d) Tractor 
(e) None of these

3. In a certain code language 'te da ka ni' means 'intelligence is in genes', 'se po lo ni' means, 'genes are not responsible' and 'ba da fu te' means 'intelligence is through experience'. What does 'ka' stand for in that code language?
(a) genes
(b) through
(c) intelligence 
(d) in
(e) responsible

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Updated List of Brand Ambassadors: Static Awareness

Dear Readers,

We are providing you the complete list of Brand Ambassadors. 

This is useful for upcoming exams RBI Grade B, NICL AO Mains, Dena Bank, IBPS PO 2017, SSC CGL 2017, SSC CHSL 2017, IBPS Clerk 2017, IBPS RRB 2017.

Ratio and Proportion: Quiz

Dear Readers,

Q1. Half the girls and one-third of the boys of a college reside in the hostel. What fractional part of the student body is hostel dwellers if the total number of girls in the college is 100 and is one-fourth of the total strength?   
(a) Two-fifths 
(b) Five-twelfths 
(c) One-fifth 
(d) Three-eights 
(e) None of these

Q2. The monthly incomes of two persons are in the ratio of 4 : 5 and their monthly expenditures are in the ratio of 7 : 9. If each saves Rs. 50 a month, then what are their monthly incomes? 
(a) Rs. 100, Rs. 125
(b) Rs. 200, Rs. 250
(c) Rs. 300, Rs. 375 
(d) Rs. 400, Rs. 500 
(e) None of these

Current Affairs September 25, 2017

Dear Readers,

Indian Affairs
TRIFED organised National Workshop on Minimum Support Price for Minor Forest Produce
On 25th September 2017, TRIFED (Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India) organised a National Workshop on Minimum Support Price (MSP) for Minor Forest Produce (MFP), in New Delhi.
National Workshop on Minimum Support Price for Minor Forest Procedure:
i. Minister of Tribal Affairs Mr.Jual Oram inaugurated the workshop.
ii. Ministers of State for Tribal Affairs Mr.Jaswantsinh Sumanbhai Bhabhor and Mr.Sudarshan Bhagat were present in the occasion.
iii. The workshop was conducted in order to expand the Minimum Support Price for Minor Forest Procedure scheme throughout India.
iv. Currently, this scheme is carried out in 9 states.
TRIFED Signs MoU with Amazon for online sale of tribal products:
i. TRIFED has signed an MOU with Amazon Seller Services Pvt. Ltd for sale of tribal products through e-commerce venture
ii. “TRIBES INDIA” showrooms managed by TRIFED has 42 retail outlets and 13 tie-up stores with State level Emporiums in various parts of India.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Current Affairs September 23, 2017

Dear Reader's,

Indian Affairs

Narendra Modi’s visit to Varanasi, inaugurates 17 projects, lays foundation stone for six more
On 22nd and 23rd September 2017, Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi visited Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh and inaugurated 17 projects. He digitally laid foundation stones for 6 more projects.
Mr.Modi dedicated Deendayal Hastkala Sankul to the Nation:
i.Mr.Modi inaugurated the Deendayal Hastkala Sankul, a Trade Facilitation Centre, at Bada Lalpur, Varanasi.The facility has been named after former BJP President Mr.Deen Dayal Upadhyaya.
ii.The Prime Minister dedicated it to the nation.It focuses on handicrafts.
Mr.Modi flaged off Mahamana Express between Varanasi and Vadodara:
i.Mr.Modi flagged off the Vadodara-Varanasi weekly express remotely through a video link.
Mr.Modi inaugurated banking services of the Utkarsh Bank:
i.Mr.Modi inaugurated banking services of the Utkarsh Bank in Varanasi.
ii.He also laid foundation stone for the headquarters building of the bank.This bank focuses on micro-finance.
Jal Ambulance and Jal Shav Vahini service launched:
i.Mr.Modi launched the service of four water ambulances and four coffin carrying boats remotely through video link.
ii.They are named Jal Ambulance service, and Jal Shav Vahan respectively.
Mr.Modi released postal stamp on Ramayana:
i.Mr.Modi released a postage stamp on different aspects of Lord Ram’s life at the Tulsi Manas Mandir, in Varanasi.

Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief exercise “Pralay Sahayam” held in Secunderabad
On 23rd September 2017, ‘Pralay Sahayam’, a Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) exercise was held in Secunderabad.
Pralay Sahayam:

Current Affairs September 22, 2017

Dear Reader's, 

Indian Affairs
Government plans ‘lab on boat’ for analysing Brahmaputra river
On 20th September 2017, the Department of Biotechnology announced ‘lab on boat’ project for biological analysis of the Bramhaputra river.
Lab on boat:
i. The Department of Biotechnology has announced 3 projects for the North East India.
ii. The projects would have mobile laboratories on boat, on the Brahmaputra river and its tributaries. They would also provide access to the local research institutions.
iii. This is the first time the Ministry of Science and Technology is dedicating boats for the research of a river.
iv. Bramhaputra Biodiversity Biology Boat (B4) project:
· This project is focused on the Brahmaputra river’s biodiversity and biology.
· Currently Rs.50 crore has been allocated for the B4 project.
· The first laboratory under B4 project will cover Pasighat, Dibrugarh, Neemati, Tejpur and Guwahati regions in Assam.
· Project B4 would start by the end of 2017.
VASTRA 2017: An International Textile and Apparel Fair 2017
On 21st – 24th September 2017, VASTRA 2017 – International Textile and Apparel Fair was held at the Jaipur Exhibition & Convention Centre in Jaipur, Rajasthan.
VASTRA 2017:
i. This is the 6th edition of VASTRA.
ii. VASTRA was started in 2012.
iii. The fair was organised by Rajasthan State Industrial Development and Investment Corporation Ltd. (RIICO) and co-organised by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).
iv. The fair exhibits the finest and latest textile products ranging from fibre to fashion, services and technology.
v. Main focus of the fair is to create business opportunities.
vi. This is the best opportunity for business persons to enter into joint ventures.
vii. VASTRA 2017, has retail sales apart from business forums. The first three days of the fair is dedicated for business opportunities. The last day is allocated for retail sales. So that, merchants can directly meet customers.
About Rajasthan:
i. Capital – Jaipur

Friday, September 22, 2017

Current Affairs September 21, 2017

Indian Affairs
Law Ministry approves Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill, 2017
On 18th September 2017, Law Ministry approved the Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill 2017, in New Delhi.

Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill 2017:
i.The Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill 2017 would enable the government to seize the property of economic offenders and defaulters who escape from India, through a new provision.
ii.According to the law, a ‘fugitive economic offender’, means an individual against whom an arrest warrant has been issued for an economic offence and the person has escaped from the country and refuses to return to face criminal prosecution.
iii.Before the bill is introduced in Lok Sabha in the winter session of Parliament a ‘Saving Clause’ would be added in the Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill 2017
ONGC discovers oil in Arabian Sea near Mumbai offshore
On 20th September 2017, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) made a significant oil discovery near Mumbai High in the Arabian Sea, in Mumbai.

Current Affairs September 20, 2017

Indian Affairs
Cabinet Approvals on 20th September 2017
The union Minister chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has made approvals for different category on 20th Sept. 2017.
  • Cabinet approves introduction of the Dentists (Amendment) Bill, 2017 

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, as union cabinet chairman has given  approval for beginning of the Dentists (Amendment) Bill, 2017 in Parliament subject to modifications of drafting or significant nature, if any, as may be considered necessary by the Legislative Department by amending the Dentists Act, 1948 (16 of 1948).
  • Cabinet approves revamped ‘Khelo India’ programme

A revamped ‘Khelo India’ scheme has been approved by union cabiner. There may be 1,000 selected athletes will receive an annual scholarship of Rs5 lakh each for eight years under this scheme.
The program aims to cover about 200 million children in the age group of 10-18 under a massive national physical fitness drive.
  • Cabinet apprised of the progress under National Health Mission and decisions of the Empowered Programme Committee and Mission Steering Group of NHM 

The Union Cabinet has been apprised of the progress under National Health Mission (NHM). The Cabinet was also approved  the decisions of the Empowered Programme Committee (EPC) and Mission Steering Group (MSG) of NHM.  National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) became two sub-missions under the overarching NHM.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

IBPS PO Pre Admit Card 2017 Out: Download

Dear Readers,


IBPS has released the online exam call letter (Admit Card) for the post of IBPS Probationary Officers 2017-18All the students who have applied for IBPS PO can download the call letters by clicking on the link provided below.