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Showing posts with label RBI GRADE B. Show all posts

Monday, October 23, 2017


Dear Readers,

Q1. Functions of keys F1, F2 and F3 are _____________ respectively.
(a) activating menu bar, search and renaming selected icon
(b) search, reboot and activating menu bar
(c) activating help, renaming selected icon and search
(d) reboot, activating help and refresh
(e) activating help, reboot, renaming selected icon

Q2. Which of the following describe router functions?
(a) Packet switching
(b) Packet filtering
(c) Internetwork communication
(d) Path selection
(e) All of the above

Q3. Which among the following computer network usually spans a city or a large campus?
(a) LAN
(b) DAN
(c) MAN
(d) WAN
(e) None of these

Q4. Name the input device from the given options, that cannot be used to work in MS Office?
(a) Scanner 
(b) Mouse 
(c) Keyboard 
(d) Joy stick 
(e) All of the above 

Q5. Which type of virus is generally scripted into common application programs like Excel and Word to infect the other documents and spreads to the other parts when the application is running?
(a) Macro Viruses
(b) File infector virus
(c) Resident Viruses
(d) Boot virus
(e) Worms

Puzzle/Syllogism New Pattern for IBPS RRB/ IBPS PO/ IBPS CLERK/ RBI ASSISTANT

Dear Readers,

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

There are nine Teachers A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. All of them like different colour viz. Orange, Brown, Violet, Yellow, Cream, Pink, White, Black and Red but not necessarily in the same order. They all are living on a different floor. The ground floor is numbered one and so on up to top floor is numbered nine. Only three teachers live between I and one who likes Red, both are living on odd numbered floor but none of them are living either top floor or bottom floor. F, G and E do not like Violet. Only one teacher lives between I and A, who likes Black. There is only one teacher lives between H and C, who likes Cream. D likes Orange and lives on the even numbered floor. There is only one teacher lives between the floor on which the teacher who likes Red and the one who likes Brown. B likes White and lives immediately below on the floor on which A lives. E does not live immediately above or below on the floor on which C lives. E does not live on first floor. There are as many as teacher lives between E and one who likes Brown and between G and the one who likes Yellow. Only two teachers live between I and H, who likes Pink.

Saturday, October 21, 2017


Dear Readers,

Directions (1-5): In each of the following questions, a statement and five choices are given. Select from among the choices, the most logical complement and mark its number as your answer:

Q1. There was no other means of coming to power than an alliance with like-minded parties.
(a) We will revamp the party by taking the support of the opposition
(b) We tried to please the leaders of other parties.
(c) We declared that we are going to rise to power.
(d) We enlisted the support of the opposition.
(e) So we convened an urgent meeting of our workers.

Q2. Facilities in the village hospital are insufficient and outdated.
(a) So we are going to take the patient back home.
(b) We will take our patient home and complain to the authorities.
(c) We will immediately take the patient to a better hospital.
(d) We will wait silently until the hospital gets improved.
(e) We will demand for a better hospital in the village.

Q3. The decision to reopen the old and closed-down liquor shops was resented by the people in the city.
(a) Some people took out protest march to the minister’s house.
(b) The liquor-sellers and contractors supported the government decision.
(c) The ruling party secretly convened a meeting of the most important leaders.
(d) The government succumbed to public opinion and withdrew the decision to open the liquor shops.
(e) The liquor barons will not allow the closure of the liquor shops.


Q1. A batsman average run rate was 60 runs in 50 innings. Difference between the highest and the lowest score was 180. If these two innings are not included the average of remaining 48 innings becomes 58. Find his lowest score.
(a) 10 runs 
(b) 12 runs 
(c) 18 runs 
(d) 15 runs 

(e) None of these

Q2. Mr. Ramesh spends 50% of his monthly income on household items, and out of the remaining the spends 50% on transport, and out of the remaining 10% on entertainment and 5% on sport, and the remaining amount of Rs. 1020 saved. What is Mr. Ramesh's expenditure on transport?
(a) Rs. 2000 
(b) Rs. 2200 
(c) Rs. 1200 
(d) Rs. 2600 
(e) None of these

Q3. Work done by A in one day is 3/2 of the work done by B in one day. Work done by B is 1/2 of the work done by C in one day. If C alone can complete the work in 9 days, in how many days will A, B and C together complete the work?
(a) 6 days 
(b) 5 days 
(c) 4 days 
(d) 10 days 
(e) None of these

Q4. A and B, B and C, and C and A can complete a task in 15, 20 and 12 days respectively. How many days will A alone take to finish the task?
(a) 30 days 
(b) 40 days 
(c) 22 days 
(d) 20 days 
(e) None of these


Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:

Eight students A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H will have to attend the seminar in the months of July and August but not necessarily in the same order. In each month, the seminar will conduct on dates 7th, 13th, 19th and 25th of the month. Only one student will attend the seminar on these given dates. A will attend the seminar on either 19th July or 19th August. There are exactly two students will attend the seminar between the date on which A and H attend the seminar. There is exactly one student will attend the seminar between the date on which H and B attend the seminar. There are two students will attend the seminar between the date on which B and G attend the seminar. There is exactly one student will attend the seminar between the date on which G and C attend the seminar. D will not attend the seminar on either 7th of July or 7th of August. There are exactly two students will attend the seminar between the date on which D and F attend the seminar. E will not attend the seminar on 25 August and F will not attend on 7 August.

Q1.Who among following will attend the seminar on 13th July? 
(a) F
(b) E
(c) A
(d) D
(e) B

Q2. How many students will attend the seminar between D and G? 
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) More than three
(e) None of these

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

High Level Input-Output for IBPS RRB IBPS PO

Directions (1 – 5): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below:

A number arrangement machine when given an input of words/numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement:

Input : wise 63 53 83 bucks fright 59 hole 44 8 game call

Step I: 83 63 53 bucks fright 59 hole 44 8 game call wise
Step II: 8 83 63 53 bucks fright 59 44 game call wise hole
Step III: 63 8 83 53 bucks fright 59 44 call wise hole game
Step IV: 44 63 8 83 53 bucks 59 call wise hole game fright
Step V: 59 44 63 8 83 53 bucks wise hole game fright call
Step VI: 53 59 44 63 8 83 wise hole game fright call bucks

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Directions (Q. 1–5): In each of these questions, two equations numbered I and II with variables x and y are given. You have to solve both the equations to find the value of x and y. Give answer

(a) if x > y 
(b) if x >= y 
(c) if x <y
(d) if x <= y 
(e) if x = y or relationship between x and y cannot be determined.

Q1.  I. 5x2 – 8x + 3 = 0
II. 3y2 + 5y – 2 = 0

Q2. I. x8 – (3 * 8)17/2/√x = 0
II. 11/√y + 18/√y = √y

Q3. I. √169 x2– 2197 = 0
II. √ (484) y + 132 = 0

Q4. I. (625)(1/4) x + √ (1225) = 155
II. 225y2 + 18 = 279

Q5. I. x2 – 7x + 12 = 0
II. y2 – 9y + 20 = 0

Directions(6-10): What value should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following number series?

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Current Affairs October 11, 2017

Dear SH Aspirants,
Study Daily Current Affairs and stay updated as well as prepare for General Awareness section of bank exams. It's time to gear up your preparations for IBPS RRB PO Mains and with the daily dose of current affairs, you can easily prepare G.A and score well.

Maharashtra govt approves climate change adaptation policy
On October 10, 2017, Maharashtra State cabinet approved a climate change adaptation policy that will focus on developing environment-friendly villages and cities.
i. Maharashtra State Government will set up a special cell under the state Environment department for the effective implementation of this policy of developing environment-friendly villages and cities.
ii. Besides, Maharashtra cabinet has approved financial allocation for special scheme for pending agricultural pumps in Vidarbha and Marathwada region.
Projects worth Rs 700 crore sanctioned for Namami Gange programme by NMCG
The National Mission for Clean Ganga(NMCG) has sanctioned Rs.700 crore for eight projects in the Namami Gange programme.Misson of Eight project
Four projects related to sewage management in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.Three are related to treatment of drains through bio-remediation. One of inventorization and surveillance of river Ganga
1.Four projects related to sewage management in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.
NMCG has sanctioned a project for pollution reduction in river Ganga at Bally in West Bengal at an estimated cost of Rs 200.07 crore with construction of a 40 MLD STP.
i. Under Hybrid Annuity model construction of a 65 MLD STP has been approved for Bhagalpur in Bihar at an estimated cost of Rs 268.49 crore.
ii. Uttar Pradesh, sewage treatment related works at an estimated cost of Rs 213.62 crore have also been approved that includes construction of two STPs (28 MLD + 05 MLD) in Farrukabad and one 2 MLD STP at Bargadiya drain in Fatehpur
2.Three are related to treatment of drains through bio-remediation:-
Rajapur drain ,Digha drain in Patna and Laksar drain in Haridwar will be treated at an estimated cost of Rs 4.29 crore.
3.One of inventorization and surveillance of river Ganga:-
It has also been approved at an estimated cost of Rs 42.9 crore to strengthen environmental regulation and water quality monitoring vis-vis river Ganga.
Germany to help Indian Railways to increase speed of trains on existing corridors
On October 10, 2017, a Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) was signed in New Delhi between Union Ministry of Railways and Germany for carrying out feasibility study on existing Chennai-Kazipet corridor of Indian Railways by German Railways for increasing the speed of passenger trains to 200 kmph.
More information about JDI between Union Ministry of Railways and Germany:
i. The JDI focuses on upgrading trains running in Chennai-Kazipet corridor to semi high speed trains which run at 200 km per hour.
ii. Feasibility study will be carried out in three phases requiring an estimated time of 22 months.
iii. Cost of the feasibility study will be shared equally (50-50 percent) by the Ministry of Railways and Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
iv.Post finalisation of terms and conditions, a separate agreement will be signed between the two entities.
IIT Kharagpur partners with Samsung for Digital Academy
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – Kharagpur has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Samsung India for the setting up of a digital academy in its campus.
More Details about Digital Academy to be set up by IIT-Kharagpur and Samsung
i. The Digital Academy will be hosted by IIT-Kharagpur’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering. 
ii. At the academy, students will be provided training on the Internet of Things (IoT) through Tizen-based operating systems which is used by Samsung for its mobile phones and home appliances.
iii. This academy is a part of Samsung India’s corporate social initiative that aims at bridging the digital divide in India by helping students to acquire cutting-edge technology skills.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Direction (Q. 1-6): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. 

Kunal, Lalit, Manish, Nutan, Obama, Prince, Queen and Rishbh live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two and so on till the topmost floor is numbered eight. Each of them also likes a different superhero, namely Batman, Superman, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Wolverine, Nova and Ironman, but not necessarily in the same order. 
• The one who likes Thor lives on an even-numbered floor. Only three people live between the one who likes Thor and Manish. 
• Only two people live between Manish and Nutan. Nutan does not live on the lowermost floor.Only three people live between Nutan and one who likes Hulk. 
• Obama lives immediately above Kunal. Obama lives on an even-numbered floor. Kunal does not like Hulk. Kunal lives neither on the floor numbered three nor five. 
• Only two people live between Kunal and the one who likes Nova. 
• Only one person lives between the one who likes Nova and Ironman. The one who likes Ironman lives below the one who likes Nova. 
• Lalit lives immediately above Queen. Only one person lives between Queen and the one who likes Captain America. 
• The one who likes Wolverine lives immediately above the one who likes Batman. 
• Prince does not like Thor. Kunal does not like superman. 
1. Which of the following pairs represent those who live immediately above and immediately below Nutan?
(a) Rishbh, Lalit
(b) Other than those given as options
(c) Lalit, Manish
(d) Kunal, Queen
(e) Rishbh, Queen
2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way as per the given arrangement and so form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
(a) Kunal – Floor numbered five
(b) Queen – Floor numbered six
(c) Lalit – Floor numbered two
(d) Nutan – Floor numbered seven
(e) Rishbh – Floor numbered eight
3. Which of the following superheroes does Rishbh like? 
(a) Other than those given as options
(b) Superman
(c) Nova
(d) Thor
(e) Batman
4. Which of the following superheroes does Prince like? 
(a) Iron man
(b) Wolverine
(c) Batman
(d) Captain America
(e) Other than those given as options

5. Nutan lives on which of the following floor numbers? 
(a) Five
(b) Three
(c) Seven
(d) One
(e) Other than those given as options

Friday, October 6, 2017

Current Affairs October 4, 2017

Dear Readers,

Cabinet Approvals on October 4 2017
Union cabinet has given its approval for the signing and ratification of the Extradition Treaty between India and Lithuania.
i. Cabinet apprised of the MoU between India and Switzerland on Technical Cooperation in Rail Sector
ii. Cabinet approves MoU on Upgradation of the Women’s Police Training Centre at Yamethin, Myanmar
iii. Centre approves setting up a turtle sanctuary in Allahabad.
Centre launches six-year secure Himalaya project
On October 2, 2017, Union Environment Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan in association with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) launched SECURE Himalaya project for conservation of biodiversity, land and forest resources in the high Himalayan ecosystem.
i. SECURE Himalaya stands for securing livelihoods, conservation, sustainable use and restoration of high range Himalayan ecosystems.
ii. The project is meant for specific landscapes in High Himalaya ecosystem spread across four states viz. Jammu and Kasmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Sikkim.
Government constitutes a High Level Committee for proper management of water resources in North Eastern Region
On 4th October 2017, the Government constituted a high-level committee for proper management of the water resources in the North Eastern Region (NER).Committee for water management in NER:
i. The Committee has been formed under the Chairmanship of Rajiv Kumar, Vice-Chairman of Niti Aayog.
ii. Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) will serve as the coordinating point.
iii. Members of the Committee are Secretaries from the Ministries of Development of North Eastern Region, Department of Border Management, Department of Space, Power, Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation and National Disaster Management Authority and Chief Secretaries of all the 8 states in NER.
iv. The Committee will submit its report, including Plan of Action, by June, 2018.
v. The Committee would help optimising benefits of appropriate water management in the form of hydro-electric power, agriculture, bio-diversity conservation, reduced flood damage erosion, inland water transport, forestry, fishery and eco-tourism.
About Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region:
♦ Headquarters – New Delhi
♦ Minister of State (Independent Charge) – Jitendra Singh
Government launches special course for untrained teachers
On 4th October 2017, the Human Resource Development (HRD) Ministry started a special training course for untrained teachers, designed by National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), called Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed).
Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed):
i. The HRD Ministry had announced that ‘untrained teachers’ have to complete the Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) course, within 2019.
ii. This course would be offered through ‘Swayam’, a platform for online education and knowledge through Dish TV. A mobile application has also been launched to help with clarifications.
iii. The course duration is 4 semesters. It consists of 1,080 lectures, in 10 languages.
iv. The applicant must have scored minimum 50% in class 12 examinations to enroll in the course. If not, they can write an exam with the NIOS, and if they score minimum of 50%, they would be eligible.
About National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS):
♦ Headquarters – Noida, Uttar Pradesh
♦ Chairman – Prof. C.B. Sharma
No service charge on train e-ticket till March 2018: Railways
On 29th September 2017, Ministry of Railways announced that service charge exemption on tickets booked online (e-tickets) will be extended till March 2018.
Service charge waived for train e-ticket till March 2018:
i. The government had waived service charges for e-tickets after demonetisation in November

Current Affairs October 3, 2017

Dear Reader's,

India unveils third National Wildlife Action Plan for 2017-2031
On October 2, 2017, Union Environment Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan unveiled India’s third National Wildlife Action Plan for 2017-2031, which outlines the future road map for wildlife conservation across the country. The plan was unveiled on the inaugural day of the Global Wildlife Programme (GWP) conference in New Delhi, which is jointly hosted by India, World Bank and United Nations Development Programme. 
i. Approach: A “landscape approach” will be adopted to conserve all wildlife that have an ecological value to the ecosystem and to mankind, irrespective of its place of occurrence.
ii. Action for recovery of threatened species: The plan lays special emphasis on recovery of threatened species of wildlife while conserving their habitats.
Odisha government creating land bank for industrial allocation
Odisha State Government is creating a 1.2 lakh acre land bank across the state which will be allocated for industrial use and purposes.
i. The land bank is being created to cut red tape and pre-emptively settle local issues related to the land acquisition process.
ii. So far the size of the land bank has reached 57,655 acres. Odisha State Government has also identified other areas across the state which will be brought under this land bank. Another 122,428 acres of land is being considered to be brought under the land bank.
1st community toilet for third gender inaugurated in Bhopal
On 2nd October 2017, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister, Mr.Shivraj Singh Chouhaninaugurated a community toilet for third gender, in the Mangalwara area, Bhopal.
1st community toilet for third gender:
i. This is the first community toilet for exclusive third gender usage in India.
ii. This toilet was constructed by the Bhopal Municipal Corporation (BMC).
iii. It was built at a cost of Rs.35 lakh. It also has a change/make-up room.
iv. Different signs for men, women, handicapped and transgender people are put on the doors of the toilet.
v. Transgender people live in large numbers in the Mangalwara area.
vi. Mr.Shivraj Singh Chauhan also said that, the state government would provide an additional assistance of Rs.1.5 lakh to the third gender community, for constructing houses under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.
About Madhya Pradesh:
♦ Capital – Bhopal
♦ Chief Minister – Mr.Shivraj Singh Chouhan
♦Governor – Mr.Om Prakash Kohli
NHAI launches 50 Free Eye Check-up camps on National Highways
On 2nd October 2017, The Minister of Road Transport & Highways Mr.Nitin Gadkari launched the countrywide Free Eye Check-up Campaign at Panjari Toll Plaza, Nagpur Bypass, Nagpur, in Maharashtra.
Free Eye Check-up Camps:
i.This free eye checkup camp will be conducted for five days till 6th October 2017. 50 free eye check-up camps have been set up on identified national highways.
ii. This initiative is aimed to provide clear vision and safe travel for truck drivers. Also, free spectacles up to a certain power as prescribed by the eye specialist are distributed.
iii. The cleaners can also avail this facility on producing a valid driving license. Defects like cataract will be identified and medicines will be prescribed.
iv. This would reduce the number of accidents involving trucks in national highways.
About NHAI:
♦ Full form – National Highways Authority of India
♦ Chairman – Deepak Kumar
Karnataka launches ‘Mathru Purna’ scheme for pregnant women

Thursday, October 5, 2017


Banking Awareness for IBPS Exam 2017

Q1. Standard & Poor's (S&P) Global Ratings and its predecessor organizations have been in business for more than 150 years. (S&P) based in-
(a) New York, USA
(b) London, UK
(c) Paris, France
(d) Vienna, Austria
(e) Geneva, Switzerland
Sol. Standard & Poor’s Financial Services is an American (New York, USA) financial services company. It is a division of S&P Global that publishes financial research and analysis on stocks, bonds and commodities.

Q2. Which is a full service credit rating agency exclusively set up for micro, small and medium enterprises?
(b) ICRA
(c) CARE
Sol. SMERA Ratings Limited (formerly SME Rating Agency of India Ltd.) is a full service credit rating agency exclusively set up for micro, small and medium enterprises.

Q3. Which of the following is an independent banking industry watchdog that protects consumers of banking services in the country?
(a) BBB
(b) IBA
(d) IBRD
(e) RBI
Sol. The Banking Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI) is an independent banking industry watchdog that protects consumers of banking services in India.

Q4. The Banking Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI) was registered as a society under the _____________ in February 2006.
(a) Companies Act, 1956
(b) Societies Registration Act, 1860
(c) Banking Regulation Act, 1949
(d) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
(e) None of the given options is true
Sol. The Banking Codes and Standards Board of India was registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 in February 2006. It functions as an independent and autonomous body. Membership of BCSBI is voluntary and open to scheduled banks.  

Q5. Where is the head office of SMERA?
(a) Chennai
(b) Gurugram
(c) New Delhi
(d) Mumbai
(e) Bengaluru
Sol. SMERA has its Registered and Head Office in Mumbai, branches at 9 cities and representatives in more than 50 clusters across India.

Q6. Name the Private sector Bank, which has received $150 million funding from the US government and Wells Fargo to increase lending to support women entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises in India.
(a) Axis Bank
(b) ICICI Bank
(c) Yes Bank
(d) Kotak Mahindra Bank
(e) South Indian Bank
Sol. Private sector YES Bank has received $150 million funding from the US government and Wells Fargo to increase lending to support women entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises in India. 

Q7. What is the minimum amount to be remitted through RTGS-
(a) Rs.2 lakh
(b) Rs.10 lakh
(c) Rs.1 lakh
(d) Rs.5 lakh
(e) Rs.20 lakh
Sol. The minimum amount to be remitted through RTGS is Rs2 lakh. 

Q8. Which Bank has tied up with PFG Forex for remittance facility for the benefit of Indian expatriates from Australia. The new facility will leverage the bank to reach the Indian diaspora?
(a) Axis Bank
(b) ICICI Bank
(c) Bank of Baroda
(d) State Bank of India
(e) South Indian Bank
Sol. South Indian Bank has tied up with PFG Forex for remittance facility for the benefit of Indian expatriates from Australia. The new facility will leverage the bank to reach the Indian diaspora.

Q9. FINO Payments Bank has commenced operations as a payments bank with effect from 30th June 2017 according to the Reserve Bank of India. Where is the head office of FINO Payments Bank?
(a) Chennai
(b) Jaipur
(c) Bengaluru
(d) Mumbai
(e) Chennai
Sol. FINO Payments Bank has commenced operations as a payments bank with effect from 30th June 2017 according to the Reserve Bank of India. The Head Office of FINO PayTech Ltd. is in Mumbai and it was one of the 11 applicants which were issued in-principle approval for setting up a payments bank. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Current Affairs October 2, 2017

Dear Reader's

All cities and towns in five more States declared Open Defecation Free
On October 2, 2017, Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs Mr. Hardeep Singh Puri announced that five more States viz., Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand and Haryana have reached the milestone of making all cities and towns Open Defecation Free. It is to be noted that On October 2, 2017, ‘Swacch Bharat Mission’ completed three years.
Overview of Progress towards ‘Swacchata’ in urban areas:
i. As against the target of building about 66 lakh individual household toilets in urban areas, 38 lakh toilets have already been built and construction of another 14 lakh toilets is in progress.
ii. Over two lakh community and public toilet seats have been built so far. The mission target is to build five lakh toilet seats.
iii. With a focus on Solid Waste Management, Government is now putting efforts to generate over 500 MW of electricity and over 50 lakh tons of compost from municipal solid waste to enable processing of the entire solid waste being generated in urban areas.
iv. Mr. Puri informed that over 80 lakh people spread over 3.50 lakh activities in urban areas participated in the fortnight long ‘Swacchata Hi Sewa’ campaign which concluded on October 2, 2017.
Rajghat gets Mahatma’s statue for the first time
Rajghat, the Samadhi of Mahatam Gandhi in Delhi, has for the first time acquired a statue of Mahatma Gandhi. The statue was unveiled by Vice-President of India Mr. M.Venkaiah Naidu on October 2, 2017, on the occasion of the 148 Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
Specification of Mahatma Gandhi’s Statue at Rajghat:
i. The statue is 1.80 metre tall and is made of bronze.
ii. It has been sculpted by renowned Indian sculptor, Mr. Ram Sutar.
iii. The statue has been installed in the Parking Area of Rajghat Samadhi Complex at a cost of Rs.8.73 lakhs. 
iv. The famous message of Gandhi ji “Be the Change You Wish to See” is inscribed on the front side of the

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Current Affairs September 30, 2017

Dear Reader's,

Indian Affairs

Environment Ministry notifies New Wetland Rules
On 26th September 2017, the Union Environment Ministry notified the new Wetland (Conservation and Management) Rules 2017, in New Delhi.
Wetland (Conservation and Management) Rules 2017:
i. The new rules will replace the 2010 version of the Wetland rules.
ii. Wetlands are lands mid-way between terrestrial and aquatic eco-systems. The water table is usually near the surface or the land is covered by shallow water.
iii. There are 115 wetlands that are officially identified by the central government. Out of these, 26 are identified as wetlands of international importance under Ramsar Convention.
iv. Ramsar Covention is an international intergovernmental treaty for conservation of wetlands.
v. The new rules insist setting up of a State Wetlands Authority in every state and union territory.
vi. This will be headed by the State’s Environment Minister.
vii. Government officials will be appointed as members.
viii. It will include one expert from each of the following fields: wetland ecology, hydrology, fisheries, landscape planning and socioeconomics.

India registers significant decline in Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)
On 29th September 2017, Sample Registration System (SRS) bulletin was released, which stated that Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) of India has declined by three points (8%).
Decline in IMR:
i. IMR has reduced to 34 per 1000 live births in 2016, compared to the 37 per 1000 live births in 2015.
ii. India has registered 90,000 fewer infant deaths in 2016 compared to 2015.
iii. The total number of estimated infant deaths has reduced to 8,40,000 in 2016 from 9,30,000 in 2015.
iv. According to the SRS Bulletin, the gender gap in India for child survival is reducing steadily.
v. The decline in IMR is reported as 4 points in Bihar, 3 points in Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand and 2 points in Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Rajasthan.
About Infant Mortality Rate (IMR):
i. Definition – number of deaths of infants under one year old per 1,000 live births

India’s first Mobile Congress held in New Delhi
On 27th – 29th September 2017, India’s first Mobile Congress, India Mobile Congress 2017, was held at New Delhi.
India’s first Mobile Congress:
i. More than 300 exhibitors, and hundreds of startups from India participated in the India Mobile Congress.
ii. Main focus of the Mobile Congress was the idea of Digital India through privatisation and the advent of 5G.
iii. LG launched K7i smartphone with inbuilt mosquito-repellent.
iv. Nokia, ZTE and Ericsson displayed several of their products that could accommodate 5G technology.
v. Reliance Jio introduced new feature that enables the phone to be connected to a TV.
vi. Taiwan-based semiconductor company, MediaTek launched its new MT6739 chipset for 4G smart phone users.
vii. Phone-manufacturing company Detel displayed its D1 model phone that retails for Rs.300.
About India Mobile Congress:

Friday, September 29, 2017

Current Affairs September 28, 2017

Dear Readers,

Indian Affairs
India MoU with Norway & collaborates with US and Japan
Government of India has collaborated with US, Japan and Norway in the fields of health security, rail safety and health co-operation respectively.
India and Norway sign ‘Letter of Intent’ to extend health co-operation:
i.Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare signed a ‘Letter of Intent’ with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
ii.This Letter of Intent aims to extend the co-operation in health sector through the Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI) for a period of 3 years, starting from 2018.
India and United States renew Commitment on Health security:
i.India and United States renewed their commitment to work together in the healthcare sector.
ii.This would provide better solutions to the health challenges faced by the people of both the countries.
India and Japan Co-operation in Rail Safety:
i.Indian Ministry of Railways had requested Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) for technical co-operation in Rail Safety.
ii.This co-operation will enable exchange of information and visit of experts from both sides… 
CARA launches monthly ‘Jan Sampark’ Program to facilitate adoption
On 27th September 2017, the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) started a monthly ‘Jan Sampark’ program to enable the public to obtain information related to Adoption, in New Delhi.
Jan Sampark:
i. This programme is the first of its kind, regarding adoption.
ii. Around 150 Prospective Adoptive Parents (PAPs), Adoptive Parents and representatives of agencies participated in the session.
iii. The session lasted more than four hours.
iv. Details regarding Immediate Placement and Special Needs Adoption Module of Child Adoption Resource Information & Guidance System (CARINGS) and the newly launched Grievance/Query portal were shared with the participants.
v. This event will be a regular feature every month apart from the quarterly Facebook live chat by CARA.
vi. CARA operates under the Ministry of Women and Child Development.
About Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA):
i. Headquarters – New Delhi
ii. CEO – Mr.Deepak Kumar