Dear Readers,
Directions (1-5): Study the following information and answer the questions given below:
There are ten people i.e. A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T who has seated on two parallel row, each row consist of six chairs. A, B, C, D, and E sit at 1st row which facing South direction and P,Q,R,S and T sits at row 2 which is facing north direction. They all like different professions i.e. Scientist, Chemist, Lawyers, Architect, Dentist, Engineers, Geologist, Physicians, Notaries and Pharmacists.
The one who likes Dentist sits opposite to P. The one who likes Scientist sits 3rd left of T. C does not sits at any extreme end. One seat is vacant exactly between P and Q. The one who likes Chemist sits 2nd from right end of the row 2. A faces vacant seat and D faces Q. There are 3 seat between S and Q who does not face the one who likes Lawyers. T sits opposite to the one who likes Engineers who sits at extreme end. E sits just right of one vacant seat. R faces the vacant seat that is 2nd right of A. The one who likes Lawyers faces the one who sits 4th to left of the one who likes Chemist. There is only one seat between the one who likes Dentist and Lawyers. The one who likes Notaries sits immediate right of the one who likes Physicians. The one who likes Physicians sits near to B. The one who likes Geologist faces the one who sits beside to vacant seat. The one who likes Architect, sits beside the one who faces the one who likes Dentist.
Q1. Who among the following likes Engineering profession?
(a) C
(b) E
(c) R
(d) S
(e) B